Dr. Milena Cosentino
Milena has great experience working with counselling/ psychotherapy for various demands of children, adolescents and adults, including anxiety, depression, bereavement, trauma, abuses, and suicidal ideas; as well as guidance for parents and family, and vocational orientation. She is very compassionate, interested in what people have to say, with empathy, searching for the roots of problems while focusing on the individual’s ability to grow and thrive.
Milena graduated in Psychology in 2011, including two years of supervised training in
psychotherapy/counselling (University of Sao Paulo). She also has a Masters in Psychology (USP), and a PhD in History and Psychology (University of Limerick). Her research focused on how trauma, memory, nostalgia, and identity can be transmitted across generations, in families, and through meaningful relationships. Milena is a member of the Psychological Society of Ireland (PSI), and she speaks English, Portuguese, and Spanish, being able to offer psychotherapy in any of these three languages.