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Self-esteem is an individual’s evaluation of their own self-worth. It includes the beliefs one holds about oneself i.e “I am a terrible person” and emotional status such as despair or shame. As human beings we are inclined to place a value or a measure of worth on ourselves or certain aspects of our lives. If the value we place on ourselves is low or negative this can lead to problems with self-esteem in particular, low self-esteem.
Low self-esteem is having a negative view or opinion about oneself. When we have low self-esteem we often judge ourselves or evaluate ourselves negatively. We compare ourselves to others thinking how great the other person is or how great the other person looks, not like ourselves who is not a great person and is unattractive. When we compare, we despair!
There are many causes of low self-esteem many of which often begin in childhood such as critical parenting, punishment, neglect or abuse. A person with low self-esteem may often feel sad or depressed, guilty, anxious, ashamed or angry. Having low self-esteem can have a negative impact on our work or study. We might avoid challenges and new opportunities for fear of not doing so well. It can also negatively impact our relationships leading us to withdraw or avoid intimacy or on the other hand becoming overly aggressive in our interactions with others. We might also withdraw from recreation and leisure activities due to the belief that we do not deserve any fun or pleasure. People who do not place high value self worth on themselves may tend to drink excessive amounts of alcohol or abuse drugs and might not bother to care about their appearance i.e. dressing neatly.
Fortunately, there is a treatment that has been proven by research as being highly effective in the management and treatment of low self-esteem, that is Cognitive Behavioural Therapy. Should you wish to learn more about self-esteem and how to incorporate Cognitive Behavioural Therapy techniques into your daily life to manage and overcome low self-esteem please contact our highly skilled therapists here at the Horizon Mental Health Clinic. Our therapists are awaiting your call.
Sinead Fahy